Why Vote For Bruce Webster?
A Change for the BEST

Friday, September 24, 2010

Debate Feedback Welcomed

This past Wednesday night I participated in my first (of many to come) live debates, and welcome your feedback on it, please post below in the comments section your thoughts.



1 comment:

  1. Attended my first session of "debates for candidates" Wednesday night in Richmond and would like to offer my observations:

    The current incumbent "Glenn Brooks" did not impress me as a confident man. He contradicted himself throughout the evening and spoke down to the residents of Ward 21 in a defensive manner. I was NOT impressed by the lack of action he has taken over the years.

    Second candidate "Scott Moffitt" continued throughout the evening to indicate what his relatives have done for the community but had no examples of his action or lack there of. He struck me as a young adult who spends his days on facebook, twitter and the internet "surfing" for information. I have NO confidence that this young man has the skills or abilities required to support Ward 21 in any manner.

    Iain McCullum...nice guy. Lost my interest in his opening comments with respect to his volunteer service as it was outside of our ward. Sorry Iain, while you were supportive of Mr. Webster's activities, you appeared to lack confidence or knowledge to lead us.

    Bruce Crustie struck me as an intelligent man who has the ability to build business from the ground up - but didn't demonstrate to me that he could maintain relationships and his comment that he was not looking for a full time job suggests that he is looking for a hobby not the responsibility that comes with the position of city counsellor.

    Finally, Mr. Bruce Webster. This man caught my vote in his opening statements. He demonstrated his compassion and dedication for the villages and rural areas in Ward 21 through his volunteer work and attendance at various meetings. He provided concrete examples of how he could move the residents of Ward 21 through the city processes. Bruce Webster was the only candidate who said "call me" if you need help or have an issue to be addressed. He was open and honest and knowledgeable about all items that impact our ward. I support Bruce Webster to effectively address our needs!!
