Why Vote For Bruce Webster?
A Change for the BEST

Monday, October 18, 2010

CFRA Interview - Sunny Side Nick

This past Sunday morning, I was on the 'Sunny Side Nick' show on CFRA. Have a listen to the audio by clicking the play button below. Running time is around 20 minutes.

Also, see some photos while I was in the booth below.

CFRA Pre-Election Radio Special

CFRA recently aired a great pre-election special.

Below is the less than 2 minute portion that pertains to Ward 21.

Below is the entire show for those interested in the entire nearly 1 hour show.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mr. Brooks Is In Error

Lynne Owen has brought to my attention a terrible error on Mr. Brooks' website. Here's what she told me via email.

A recent posting on the election website of candidate Glenn Brooks blatantly misrepresents the truth about rival Bruce Webster’s commitment and service to Ward 21 and the City of Ottawa.

Mr. Webster's active involvement has not been restricted to his home community of Richmond as stated by Brooks. Bruce has held many volunteer positions in Richmond, including 12 years of service to the Village Association, but his experience and volunteerism does not end there.

Bruce served as president of the Rural Council of Ottawa-Carleton, a coalition of rural citizens and organizations across Ottawa, from 2006 to 2010. He began his involvement with the council as a founding member in 2001. He was also a member of the Rural Issues Advisory Committee from 2004 to 2010, working with the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of City Council to resolve rural issues that affect the entire city.

Mr. Webster has made many presentations on behalf of Ottawa’s entire rural community, logging more than 400 meetings with various organizations and trips as a city-wide volunteer driver for the Canadian Cancer Society over the past four years.

This, among other excellent credentials that Bruce has, makes him the clear choice as the next Councillor for Ward 21 - experience and credentials that Betty Hill, former Mayor of Goulbourn, took into her consideration when endorsing Bruce Webster as the best choice for Rideau-Goulborn Ward.

While Mr. Brooks suggests a vote for him will “make Ward 21 a better place to live, to work and raise our families,” in the same sentence he admits he has had 33 years to do this...but obviously he has failed. It’s time for a change – for the best.

Thank you Lynne for taking the time to write me and for shedding light on this matter for me. I hope that by posting your note here that folks will see that there is no truth to what is being said on his site with respect to my credentials.

I couldn't agree more with what you say: It's time for a change - for the best.