Why Vote For Bruce Webster?
A Change for the BEST

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stittsville News article re Richmond Community Design Plan

Letter to the Editor, published April 22, 2010

The Richmond Community Development Plan (CDP) process has been seriously flawed from the outset - driven by Mattamy Homes, with the full support of city of Ottawa Councillor Glenn Brooks, who was elected to represent his constituents, not developers.

The linkage of the CDP to an environmental assessment is a gross misuse of the process.

The concept of a Community Design Plan is a very good and necessary one but only if it is properly set in motion, following a few critical tenets. To succeed, a CDP MUST be driven and controlled by the community, MUST have no set time limits for completion, MUST include land use, transportation, building styles and types of housing, densities, heritage environment, employment opportunities, resource management, water, storm water and waste water management, schools, recreation and social structures and MUST be free to explore new technologies for all of the above.

The Steering Committee was, almost to a person, selected by Councillor Brooks and many good people were included, some reluctantly. About 20 representatives of the community started out as members, complete with a chair and two vice-chairs. Among the members, there were many potential developers, almost all of whom declared a conflict of interest and became non-voting participants.

No voting procedure was ever set up but the committee has never voted on any substantive matters anyway. The membership has declined so dramatically, there is rarely anything close to a quorum. Where have all the steering committee members gone? They have left in frustration, as has a key vice-chair, who felt unable to continue in an official capacity on the committee.

The City of Ottawa said no money was available to manage the CDP process. Thus, the partnership with Mattamy was born, with the developer offering to bear the brunt of the cost.

Mattamy then included the environmental assessment (EA) it requires in order to develop a huge tract of land within Richmond into the CDP process. At this point, the CDP effectively became a tool for the developer, with the actual CDP process becoming a secondary priority, at best.

Mattamy spent considerable time, effort and money to show what the village could look like if enough lipstick and paint were applied but no one offered to explain exactly who would pay. Many open forums were conducted to show what our village could look like, but in the present economy, these visions, though extremely appealing, are entirely unrealistic.

Mattamy, not the Richmond CDP servicing subcommittee, has declared, through its consultants, that the entire village may eventually be serviced with potable water drawn from a deep aquifer beneath the village and stored somewhat below grade - a change from the original plan, made without any consultation.

This avoids the extension of standard city services and potential violation of the city's Official Plan.

Mattamy has chosen the cheapest solution for waste-water, going against the expressed wishes of village residents.

The public's interests have been ignored throughout all phases of this blasphemous CDP-MEA process. The two processes should NEVER have been mixed and funding should NEVER have been provided by a developer.

Bruce Webster

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Adjustments for properties with no water services

Good News for over 1200 homeowners in Carp and Richmond. Ottawa
City Hall this morning:

The City's Standing Committee for Planning and Environment decided on consent to approve the refunding of, on average, 891 dollars of overcharge for our invisible water services. The decision has yet to go before full council, but that could happen as soon as April 28th, 2010, and staff as well as the members of the Committee wish the issue to be closed out with the final tax bill for 2010.

Some of the homeowners will see less, and others more, partially dependent on the
length of time you have actually been in residence at the present address. The refund is calculated from 2001 to 2009 and is to be credited to the owner of record as of 2010 tax year.
Again, thanks to those who brought the issue to our attention, especially Ed,and Doug.
Working together as a community we get things done.
Bruce Webster

City garbage and other things

I spent some time at Planning and Environment today. Some relief, in
that the committee passed on consent the staff proposal to refund by
way of reduced final tax bill the 8 years of overcharge to all proper
property owners of Richmond and Carp. I am querulous of the number
of homes stated at 1200, since the Village of Richmond is now at 1450
of which some 200 do not qualify but where is the number for Carp?
Oh yes CARP and DUMPS. I also spent time with Derrick Moodie today
and reminisced over the fact of PLASCO being over two years late in
working as it was described initially, and to date PLASCO has never
worked for more than 4 to 5 days and part days at that. I also
reminded Derick that I brought back to Ottawa in August 2006 an EOI
which had been offered to the city of Vancouver TWO days prior to my
being given it. That EOI was for a waste to energy (PROVEN technology
working in Burnaby B.C. since 1992) which EOI I circulated to all
councilors and the now Mayor. Councilor Brooks especially was given the hard
copy and an electronic copy as well.
Well the Transit, Trash, Taxes motto of Larry went the way of the
dodo bird and so did all my efforts UNTIL NOW when we are again facing
a garbage crisis. I renew my concerns about this and encourage FULL
council to properly evaluate PLASCO and the probability of success. I
would also encourage an E.O.I. or R F P be considered to drag Ottawa
into the modern world. I still have contacts in the waste to energy industry
and also some brochures from Veolia Montmany now known as ONYX.
Please make time to educate yourself on alternative choices for Waste
to Energy. I would be happy to discuss and I note I have no interests
nor shares in any provider. Only a wish to help.
I also listened to your words on CFRA today and am reminded of my
continual efforts to bring accountability to the employees of the city
of Ottawa. At least three times I have asked for and instituted a
protocol of one page executive summary for ANY NEW project or proposal
made by staff. I have asked for cost of program, benefits, duration
and other pertinent items as well as the proposal being signed off as
accepted by DEPUTY DEPT.HEAD or higher. I believe this protocol would
enhance councilor understanding and stop the programs such as
OTTAwater trucks and perhaps make green bin programs better suited to
our needs as a whole city. Bruce Webster 613 295 8823

Monday, April 12, 2010

Overtaxation Refund

It appears that the city is being advised on April 13th by the
Standing Committee for Planning and Environment to refund with
interest the taxes we in Richmond paid for services we do not
have...City Water...It will not include any residence which has
communal wells (the Channonhouse/Dallaire area) but should include
Hyde Park as their water is a privately owned communal system.

Each residence should see a reduction on the final tax notice for
2010 but it may be less than the 1200 we roughly calculated. Perhaps
more like 7 to 8 hundred. The advice is being presented as noted on
April 13th and for confirmation you should look up the city web
www.Ottawa.ca site - click on Committee meetings, scroll down to April
13th, click on the above noted standing committee and view the agenda
item 11. The councilor(s) for our area have apparently known of this
situation since amalgamation but have been unable to rectify it until
pressure was placed or at least inquiries made by many residents
including some who moved here to Richmond from Stittsville and Kanata
as well as Doug Arnold and Bruce Webster. The present representative
has stated that the resolution may take place in the fall...how
convenient for an election! The city is now working towards a tax
bill reduction for May 2010 which makes much more sense by avoiding
issuing refund checks.

Thanks to all who worked to make it right. Bruce Webster