Why Vote For Bruce Webster?
A Change for the BEST

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Item of importance to the Richmond/Munster area

Transportation to Ottawa, or at least Stittsville, when O.C. is not running the 283.

I believe the O.C. should examine a shuttle again, to link Munster/Richmond to the 90 series buses which run through Stittsville and then even if only every two hours residents could get to work on a more flexible basis. Youth could also access the G.R.C. which of course ALL of GOULBOURN paid for yet we outside of Stittsville can not readily access. Elderly would not have to drive or depend on others to get to shopping or medical appointments It simply requires a reexamination of the needs then a cautious implementation of a solution.

Become a part of the solution - vote Webster October 25th

Bruce Webster

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Watson reduction of councilors or reduction of representation?

Jim Watson's proposal is diametrically opposed to the Supreme Court ruling of EFFECTIVE representation and all the battles fought over ward boundary revisions. This is but one of the continuing reasons the rural wards are dissatisfied with government from Toronto and Watson seems to have brought that mantra with him."

If we are to save money and create efficiencies, without further eroding the democratic representation we lost with amalgamation, then we should, FIRST, be reducing costs within our unweildy, unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy.

As the former President of the Rural Council of Ottawa-Carleton (RCOC), a rural democracy advocacy organization that has defended against many misguided city staff schemes, I would have to agree with the RCOC's current response to Jim Watson's latest potentially damaging idea (click here).

Cost efficiencies will not be found by cutting the number of councillors and reducing representation, but by having a strong, unified Council exert better control over the profligate spending and gross inefficiencies of our administrative bureaucrats in the City Management Department.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How to donate

I am pleased to announce that Doug Arnold has agreed to be my Chief Financial Officer for - Bruce Webster Election 2010, Councillor, Ward 21. In compliance with the Municipal Elections 2010 Guide, I am also announcing that Doug is the only person I will be authorizing to accept campaign contributions on my behalf.

Doug suggested that it might be useful to indicate what the Municipal Election 2010 Guide stipulates regarding campaign contributions. I am happy to provide the following information:

1. Who can make a contribution?
- any individual who resides in Ontario.
- any corporation that does business in Ontario.
- any trade union that represents employees in Ontario. A campaign contributor does not have to be an eligible voter; however, anonymous contributions cannot be accepted.

2. What constitutes a contribution?
- a donation of money, goods or services.
- cash contributions cannot exceed $25.00 and contributions larger than $25.00 must be made via cheque or money order.
- a contribution can only be made by one individual; i.e. John and Jane Smith have a joint chequing account and make a donation and both sign the cheque.
Only John or Jane can receive credit for the donation. However, John can make a donation and Jane can make a donation by signing separate cheques but neither cheque may exceed $750.00 - see contribution limits.

3. What is the contribution limit?
- the contribution limit for money, goods or services to a candidate from one individual cannot exceed $750.00; however, an individual may have contributions totalling $5,000.00; i.e. an individual may “legally” contribute $750.00 to six candidates and $500.00 to a seventh candidate, for a total of $5,000.00.

4. Can I get a rebate for my contribution? Yes!

5. What must I do to receive a rebate?
- make a contribution of at least $50.00.
- the rebate rate for a contribution of $50.00 but not more than $150.00 is 75% of the contribution; i.e. a $50.00 contribution results in a $37.50 rebate. A $150.00 contribution results in a $112.50 rebate.
- the rebate rate for contributions greater than $150.00 but not more than $300.00 is 50%; i.e. a contribution of $300.00 receives a rebate of $112.50 for the first $150.00 plus $75.00 for the second $150.00. The maximum rebate is $187.50 ($112.50 +$75.00). There is no rebate for donations in excess of $300.00 - even for contributions totalling $5,000.00 to seven or more candidates.

N.B. How and when to file a claim for your rebate will be indicated on the back of your receipt.

Receipts cannot be issued until your cheque has cleared.

In closing, if you would like to make a contribution to my campaign, I would request that you make a cheque out to Bruce Webster Election 2010 and mail it to:

Doug Arnold
P.O. Box 587
Richmond, ON
K0A 2Z0

However, if it is more convenient, Doug (613-838-3136) or I (613-295-8823) will gladly come by and pick up your cheque.

It would be appreciated if you would forward this announcement to fellow Rideau - Goulbourn residents who might be interested in learning more about campaign contributions.

With sincere thanks,

Bruce Webster

Councillor Candidate for Ward 21